Thursday, November 11, 2010

Third Grade Royalty

Oh man...

In math right now, we are learning different strategies to solve word problems. I have some characters in my class. They are all LOVING solving these word problems and are so SO proud of themselves when they get them right.

Case in point: today two of my boys kept solving them so quickly and accurately that I was having to come up with different number combinations to try to stump them. It wasn't working-- they were masterfully solving these problems. So much so that I finally said, "Oh my gosh, guys!" To which one boy proclaimed, "KINGS OF MATH!" and walked away.

What will you proclaim today?


1 comment:

  1. So, I've SORELY fallen behind on your blogging, so I'm catching up now: and I love your KINGS OF MATH post. It made me think of my very good friend Jason Harwell's 2004 release: "Word Problems."

    Enjoy! I have more where that came from. :)
