Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Brain

Here's my horoscope today:

July 09, 2010

  1. VirgoVirgo (8/23-9/22)
    'Think twice, speak once' should be your motto for the day, and it should serve you well when it comes to personal matters. Actually, it's not such a bad habit to get into at work, either! Your mind is moving at a quicker pace than usual, so if you blurt out what you're thinking instantly, it is likely to backfire in a big way. Just make sure you have your mental editor working overtime before speaking face to face.

    This is so true. And it's a good reminder for me to watch what I say. I have slowly been watching myself develop Summer Brain. I am not sure why it says that my brain is working overtime, though, I do beg to differ with that.

    Summer brain (adj.): Forgetful, confused, double-booking plans, leaving eggs boiling on the stove for too long, answering stupidly while watching Jeopardy Kids Week (eg: the big earthquake was in Haiti, not Thailand. Thanks, summer brain), slow-moving, slow-processing, running too slowly to even fall asleep at appropriate times.

    It's hard work to have no job in the summer.

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