Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some Things Never Change

So, I rolled into Chesapeake this afternoon. I'm really excited to be home with my family from Thursday-Monday.

My mom was teaching a class tonight so my stepdad and I were on our own for dinner.

As far back as I can remember, anytime my mom was not home for dinner (which was rare), my stepdad and I would have pizza. It was like a treat since my mom always cooked so healthily.

I talked to my mom on the phone tonight just before dinnertime. She said, "There is some homemade barbeque and coleslaw in the fridge for you guys."

When I hung up with her, I said to my stepdad, "hey, mom left us some bbq..." And he said, "Oh... yeah... well... I was thinking we might have pizza..."

HAHAHA! I laughed so hard! "I knew it!!" I said. It was nice. It was familiar.

It's nice to know that some things never change. :)

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