Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30th- time to share my biggest accomplishment of 2010

I didn't have a ton of goals for 2010, but I had one in particular.  I wanted to get myself Healthy.  It's been a resolution of mine for many years, but I didn't want to turn 30 *Sept. 2, 2011* being as overweight and unhappy as I was.   So, my plan was to lose 30 by 30.

It's taking a lot for me to share these pictures with you... but I'm doing to do it...   

Here I am at my biggest:
 Jan. 2010
 Jan. 2010
 Sept. 2009
 Sept. 2009
December 2009 
Winter 2008, I think

It's hard for me to share those because those are pictures that I'm not proud of.  I may look like I'm having fun, but I feel like there is a lot of hurt in that girl.  Hiding?

So, on January 7, 2010, I joined Weight Watchers.  I started going to meetings every Thursday night and I followed the plan.  It taught me how to eat, how to take care of myself and how to be responsible for my health. 

On June 10th, I had lost 28.7 pounds!!    I had a wonderful summer and put on a couple of pounds, but I am taking those off now and here's me now...

 Sept. 2, 2010 (my 29th birthday)
July 2010

I've kept off 25 pounds since last January.  Sometimes I don't give myself enough credit for doing that.  I am still on the journey, but I am definitely proud of how far I have come.  

Here's to keeping it off in 2011 and becoming an actual runner!  


  1. I'm so excited and happy for you Caitie. I know how great this feels and how proud you should be of ourself! Keep it up! Maybe we'll end up being runners together

  2. Caitie--congrats. You have really dedicated yourself to a much healthier livestyle in 2010. Very inspiring! And I agree, you DO look like you're having fun in all those pictures. Don't you always?!
