Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2nd *picture* post

Day 02 – A picture of you and the person with whom you have been closest longest

This was a really tough one because I have known some of my friends a Really long time!  

For example,  Anne and I have been friends pretty much since my birth since our moms went and became besties when mine was pregnant with me...

(insert pictures of childhood here. I was such a brat! That's probably whey there are no pictures)

But we were on the soccer team together two seasons when she was a Junior/Senior and I was a Freshman/Sophomore.
 And I was in her wedding!  Here we are trying to remember one of our dance routines to the song "Jump for my love" by the Pointer Sisters
 We freakin' nailed it.

And Laura and I were friends in Preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school... and we lived together after college in Norfolk for awhile... too many adventures to count.

Here she is with her husband Jon.  They were Jack and Jill.  :)

 Meghan and Andrea and I have been friends since 4th grade!

Here's Andg and Me in 4th or 5th grade...

Andrea and I lived together in college our Junior year
And near each other in the post-college years...

 Sometimes Megs and I go to the prom... as adults...

We spent many a New Years Eve together...

And we were in Andrea's beautiful wedding...

And then there's my Joy... I feel so blessed to have so many amazing friends in my life.  But when I met this lady in 7th grade (yes, 7th, not 8th) in Mr. Shaw's english class, I knew we'd be friends.  We didn't become besties until 8th grade in Mr. Smith's history class which we pretty much ruled.  It makes me sad as a teacher to understand that that man had ZERO management skills.  When he finally got fed up with our antics and sent Joy to the principal's office, the rest of our class staged a sit-in and shouted, "heck no, she won't go!"  When he sent me to a desk right next to the chalkboard, I coordinated with the class to drop their books when I wrote GO on the chalkboard.  While they dropped, I erased.  Terrible.  But Joy and I were in the thick of it.  Naughty, awesome kids.  Good-natured, not mean-spirited or terribly disrespectful...  at least until Sophomore year of high school in Sociology class.  But that's a story for another time. :)

I love her...

Junior year Homecoming parade.
Junior prom...

I have no idea when this picture was taken but it's a timeless shot in her mom's kitchen :)

 Sometimes she sits on my lap when I turn 27.

Or goes camping when she's 7 months pregnant.

And comes to my birthday party when it's 9-02-10 themed, VERY pregnant
 And I got to throw her baby shower...

And I got to meet Owen when he was six hours old :)

And the fun will continue with this forever friend...

Thanks to all my old friends who are still my close friends.  Love you all!


  1. Well did you know that I would cry? LOVE YOU Caitie! Also, fun to see all these pictures...Jack and Jill, who would have thought?!
