Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I went searching

 Today I was a little sad.  And a little grumpy.  And very tired.  March is a long month for teachers.  No break.  I wanted to curl up and take a nap.  So I took my Pheebs on a walk instead.  

It was a Very Gray day outside.  Rain has been threatening all day and thunderstorms are in the forecast tonight.  It was maybe 49 degrees outside and yuck.

So I went searching for Spring.  Because I want it to come.  Badly!

The poor daffodils were trying their hardest to bring spring:
But then I found some on our cherry tree...

 And then I found some more...

 Pheebs and I have a new hiking trail that we like a lot.  It's been pretty wintry back there.  Bare trees and sticks and remnants of big leaf piles.  It's been looking like this:
 But then I found some green... it gave me hope that spring is coming!

 This is the clearest picture, because trying to get that little black thing sitting still is a challenge.
 There she is :)
 And now she is...

Mmmm she looks so comfy... maybe it is time to nap before she wakes up to protect me from thunder.  (She thinks barking works)

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