Sunday, October 3, 2010

How hard is it?!

We wanted this picture of Lilly, Phebe and Skylar.

Turns out, it's really hard to get three dogs to sit together. Why were we surprised?

My dog was the rascaliest. Duh.

Two out of three.

I like this one because it looks like the other two dogs are telling her, "If you don't sit still, they will keep making us do this. Come ON, Phebe."

Finally, what worked? Food, of course.


  1. Ha! This is why I love the burst mode on the camera. Remember when I took 700 pictures of Phebe to get 10 good ones?

  2. hahhah totally. She's a perfect subject for the burst mode!!

  3. Of course Skylar always enjoys photos when food is involved!
