Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Bestist in the whole world

This morning, I got a letter from a student. It was made at home, put in an envelope and given to me as the student walked in the door.

It said, (no editing here)

"Dear Ms. Meeahn,

I have been learning a lot in math and writing and a lot more you are the bestist teacher in the hole wide world!"

It both warmed my heart and reminded me of some spelling words I need to review with this student :)

It will now go in my teacher love note collection. Right next to a note from a boy at the beginning of school that included twenty used paper clips. Because teachers like paper clips, right?


  1. 100% awesome. I'm totally jealous. I might become a teacher now just for this kind of occasion.

  2. Well, don't get too excited. When they get older they scream things like "Why you gotta be so f'ing ignorant?" when you don't allow them to cheat on a test.

  3. I knew I should have taught the third grade!
