Tuesday, September 21, 2010

90210 Birthdayyyyy

It happened. At the Peach Pit. After Dark. Jaime (Brenda Walsh-- in upcoming pictures) had this banner made. Isn't it AWESOME?!!

Kate was a Blossom-y 90s character. She nailed it.

Lou was our Kelly Taylor.

Just some sweet asses making fried pickles. Look at those pants. Seriously.

Donna Martin, Mom-to-Be and Blossom.

Kristin showed up with the world's most perfect 90s bangs.

Pretty soon Goth and Brenda Walsh showed up...

And even Phebe came as Andrea Zuckerman (because no one else wanted to)

Maybe a few costume changes...

Sometimes Kristin and I put our heads together during games to really focus.

Yup. Some awesome costumes.

Maybe a small amount of countertop dancing.

And when I went upstairs to go to sleep... Kristin was in my room by herself... looking ridiculously suspicious...

And in the light of the morning, I saw why...

This is how we spent Sunday...

It was a GREAT party!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE everything about this!! Except how you forced poor Pheebs to be Andrea.. that was cold.
